Solar PV Certification Training

Book Training Session

Training Name
PVCC Training 39th Batch
21 Apr 2025 - 23 Apr 2025

Max 0/250 Characters

Max 0/250 Characters

Max 0/250 Characters

Applicant’s CV and Experience Certificates*

Invalid file format

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Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 10MB. Formats allowed: pdf.

PVCC Application / Renewal Form with company seal*

Invalid file format

File not uploaded due to Maximum file size exceeded

Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 10MB. Formats allowed: pdf.

Applicant’s degree (attested)*

Invalid file format

File not uploaded due to Maximum file size exceeded

Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 10MB. Formats allowed: pdf.

Applicant’s Photo*

Invalid file format

File not uploaded due to Maximum file size exceeded

Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 2MB. Formats allowed: jpg, bmp, png, jpeg.

Others (if any)

Invalid file format

File not uploaded due to Maximum file size exceeded

Note that the maximum size allowed for each attachment is 10MB. Formats allowed: pdf.