Connection Process - DEWA Solar Community

Connection Process

The connection procedure consists of three different stages : 

Stage A : Getting solar permits & connections application
Stage B : Inspection and Connection
Stage C : Generation

Step 1 : Engaging with contractors or consultants

Customers can contact one of DEWA’s enrolled consultants or contractors to review the feasibility and get advice on the best solution for the solar PV system in compliance with DEWA’s standards. (1)

List of Enrolled Contractors and Consultants


Step 2 :  
The consultant or contractor submits the building application to DEWA.(2)

Getting solar permits & connections application

Step 3 : Technical Design Approval Download 

Upon receiving the solar PV design approval, the assigned consultant or contractor and customer will be provided with an estimate of the applicable connection fee(4).

Step 4 : Notification to DEWA

The consultant or contractor notifies DEWA through the system that the fieldwork has been completed and the installation is ready for inspection and connection(5). 

Solar PV Inspection Application

Step 5 : Site Inspection and Connection 

The consultant or contractor coordinates with DEWA and the customer to arrange the technical inspection of the site, signing the connection agreement, meter installation, and connection of the solar photovoltaic system to DEWA’s grid.

Step 6 : Solar Generation

Once the system is connected, the customer can generate his or her own electricity using solar energy. The surplus is exported to DEWA grid. DEWA will offset the customer’s bill accordingly. 

Reference Notes :

(1) The consultant or contractor will act as your agent and will advise you on the best possible solution for your system.

(2) The capacity installed cannot exceed the applicable share of the Total Connected Load as per the Shams Dubai Connection Conditions, Section 2.2 “Limits to capacity of Renewable Generators”. DEWA may impose a lower threshold should it be justified by technical limitations related to the integration of your PV system into the power distribution grid.

(3) A number of technical documents need to be submitted to DEWA, such as the site plans, system design plans, and details of the proposed equipment in compliance with DEWA regulations.

(4) For systems with an installed capacity of over 400KW, the cost of some dedicated equipment for grid integration might be added to the standard connection fee. A budgetary estimate of such cost can be provided in the early stages of application process upon request, if the consultant or contractor submit the required technical information.

(5) For installation above 100kW, a successful plant performance test needs to be carried out beforehand.


- List of enrolled Contractors and consultants:
- Getting solar permits and connections:
- Solar PV inspection application:

Connection Process


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