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Building on Dubai Economic Agenda D33 which aims to propel Dubai’s economic growth and solidify its position among the top global cities,
DEWA is the 1st local government entity to launch its DEWAverse platform using the Metaverse technology.
A smart tool to help you assess your electricity and water consumption to gain a better understanding of your home consumption pattern and make smart decisions.
This website centralises the latest information regarding electric vehicles in Dubai.
The Smart Grid programme, an investment of AED 7 billion, offers advanced automated decision-making features across DEWA’s electricity and water network.
The new “Smart Living” initiative helps customers to monitor and conserve their consumption easily and make smart decisions for a happier life.
In line with its efforts to improve its digital experience, DEWA is the first government utility in the world to provide its smart services on Amazon’s Alexa in Arabic.
DEWA has launched leading initiatives to empower People of Determination, through targeted strategies, achieving the goals of UAE policy for POD Empowerment.
MBR Solar Park is the largest single-site solar park in the world, with a planned capacity of 1,000MW by 2020, and 5,000MW by 2030.
DEWA adopts 10X initiative to deliver a new utility experience for Dubai and the world, focusing on four pillars: Solar Energy, Energy Storage, Artificial Intelligence and Digital services.
SOQOOR Program is a performance-based recognition award program for a specific segment of DEWA Customers (Contractors and Consultants performing non-DEWA projects) for other project owners, aiming at enhancing the quality of applications’ submission and site operations on DEWA level.
This service provides electricity connections in just one-step within 5 days, with no connection charges for commercial and industrial projects up to 150 kW.
The world’s first digital utility utilizing autonomous systems for renewable-energy, storage, expansion in Artificial Intelligence adoption and providing exceptional digital services.
DEWA’s first smart initiative to connect solar energy to buildings, part of the Distributed Renewable Resources Generation programme.
EV Green Charger is a DEWA pioneering initiative to establish the infrastructure and build electric vehicle charging stations.
Smart Applications provide through Smart Meters and Grids various benefits to DEWA customers, including live and detailed reading (both current and historical).
Green Dubai is DEWA’s initiative to empower customers to make sustainable choices for a greener planet.
DEWA Store is the first of its kind among government entities, providing exclusive offers and discounts to customers, in cooperation with public and private sectors.
Green Ribbon Pledge is an initiative that aims to educate and inspire the residents of Dubai to conserve energy and reduce water consumption.
Unique programme enabling customers to check, compare and monitor electricity and water consumption in comparison with efficient similar homes.
are the new characters that symbolize for electricity and water, that aims to establish the concept of conservation among the younger generations.