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What are photovoltaic (solar) systems or "PV"?
A photovoltaic (PV) system uses PV cells to convert sunlight into electricity. PV cells are made of semiconductors and are used to assemble PV modules: the components used in PV systems. A great advantage of PV systems is that they are fully scalable and vary in size according to the local energy needs, so they can be used for residential, commercial and industrial electricity supply.
There are two main types of PV systems: grid-connected and stand-alone.
A grid-connected PV system is connected to the existing electricity grid. The electricity produced by the system can be used to feed local loads and the surplus is delivered to the electricity grid. This type of system is our main focus, as DEWA Distributed Solar Program deals with PV systems connected to DEWA electricity grid.
Off-Grid PV systems are not connected to the grid and are designed to use the electricity produced by the PV exclusively in your own residence or facility.
In all cases the energy produced by the PV modules is converted from DC to AC by an Inverter, either for your own use or for export to the DEWA network.
What are the benefits of installing solar panels for home and business owners?
Using solar energy produces no air or water pollution and no greenhouse gases emissions. Solar power offers benefits to both homeowners and businesses:
How does our society collectively benefit from this?
Solar energy is a form of renewable energy which is clean, secure, and limitless. It produces no emissions and does not affect the environment.
Using renewable energy reduces our reliance on diminishing traditional sources of energy, such as gas, oil and coal, ensuring sustainability for future generations.
Renewable energy is a key factor in Dubai’s efforts to foster economic, and social growth while preserving the environment.
In 2011, the Dubai Supreme Energy Council formulated the Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030, which requires renewable electricity sources to contribute to 15% of Dubai power needs. The launch of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park is the first milestone in the path to achieving this vision. The production and use of solar energy by Dubai citizens, businesses and industries will also contribute to this vision becoming a reality.
What is the investment cost and break down (equipment, installation, connection and maintenance fee)?
Unfortunately, there is no single or simple answer. Cost depends on a number of factors, such as whether the system is stand-alone or is integrated into the building design, the size of the system, and the system manufacturer, retailer, and installer.
It can be roughly said that the PV modules make up between 30-50% of the total installation costs. Annual maintenance fees are in the range of 0.5-1% of the installation costs. Connection fees are typically a small share of the total cost.
Are any incentives being provided?
Dubai is applying a Net Metering scheme. In this case you can produce your own electricity and consume it directly. If more electricity is produced than consumed, it can be injected into the DEWA distribution network. This surplus energy will be credited and used to off-set future consumption of electricity. The incentive is therefore the savings on the electricity bill, as you will be purchasing less electricity from DEWA in order to meet your needs
Are there any tax incentives available for commercial or industrial enterprises for installing solar panels?
No tax or other incentives are currently being offered.
What is the estimated return on investment and saving for a residential, commercial, or industrial properties?
The investment return and savings depend on how much electricity you currently use, and the tariff you are paying (see DEWA tariff slabs, and how much electricity the photovoltaic system will produce. In general it can be said that the business case for clients with larger consumption and the possibility to install bigger systems is currently more attractive than for clients with low consumption and smaller systems.
You can ask your photovoltaic system provider (see list of enrolled Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultants and Contractors) how much your new system will produce on an annual basis and compare that number to your annual electricity demand to get an idea of how much you will save.
Who is involved in the different steps needed to connect a Solar PV system?
Once you decide to install a Solar PV System, you will be advised to contact an enrolled Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultant or Contractor that will provide you with recommendations on the best possible solution for your property. You or your Consultant or Contractor may gather proposals from different equipment Manufacturer in order to source the required equipment. The Consultant or Contractor, acting as your agent, will gather all necessary information and documentation and initiate the online Application Process with DEWA.
If the Consultant does not have an in-house ability to construct and Install the Solar PV equipment, a Contractor will be hired for the construction and the installation of the equipment.
DEWA has an enrolment scheme for Consultants and Contractors based on a Solar PV Expert Certification in order to ensure a high standard of safety and efficiency. For more details and instructions please go to (Enroll as DRRG Solar PV Consultant/Contractor)
Please note that DEWA only provides the list of the enrolled Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultants and Contractors that have attended DEWA’s Solar PV Training Course and possess the necessary qualification and skill. However, DEWA will not be responsible for any professional or boundary advice or other professional technical guidance given by the Consultant/ Contractor or for any injuries, damage, loss, substandard designs, construction, building, installation, delays and for any negative consequences arising from the services delivered by the listed Consultants and Contractors.
In order for Manufacturers and Equipment Suppliers to have their equipment included in the DEWA list of eligible equipment, they must submit a formal request to DEWA. A thorough evaluation of all standards and certification documents will ensure equipment is compliant with DEWA regulations and will then be included in the DEWA list of eligible equipment. This process ensures that the equipment meets the required DEWA quality and safety standards. For more details and instructions please go to (PV Equipment Eligibility):
Please note that the information presented on the DEWA website provides an overview of the manufacturers and equipment that meet DEWA technical standards. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or warranty of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to warranties of title, merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for particular purpose, warranty for performance, professional advice, professional financial guidance, and shall not be relied upon as the only source of information for purchasing, contracting, investment decisions or for executing other binding agreements. Please refer to the individual manufacturer / supplier listed to verify the quality, performance, availability, cost and reliability of their equipment.
The connection procedure consists of 4 different stages:
Once you decide to invest in a Solar PV generator, it is recommended you hire a DEWA enrolled Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultant or Contractor (List of enrolled Solar PV Consultants & Contractors) that will act as your agent and will advise you on the best possible solution for your system.
During the first stage, the Consultant/Contractor will gather all necessary general information and will then submit the online PV connection application form (Apply for Solar PV Connection).
DEWA will carry out the application assessment and ensure all necessary documents have been submitted and all the criteria have been met. Upon successful completion of the assessment, DEWA will issue the No Objection Certificate (NOC).
In the second stage, your Consultant/Contractor should submit the online Application for Design Approval (Apply for Solar PV Connection). With this application a number of technical documents need to be submitted to DEWA, such as the site plans, system design plans and details of the proposed equipment, compliance with DEWA regulations.
Upon successful completion of the application assessment by DEWA, you will be informed of the connection fee. Once you have paid the connection fee, DEWA will begin the necessary network intervention in order to facilitate the connection process and you can begin the required construction and installation.
The third stage of the process begins once your PV equipment has been laid out. However, before you initiate any electrical work, your consultant/Contractor must perform Mechanical Completion with the concerned building Authority (i.e. Dubai Municipality, Trakhees) to insure the layout is compliant with all the applicable safety regulations. Once this is completed, you may proceed with the necessary electrical work and installations.
After all the electrical work has been finalised, you will now need to perform the online Notification for Electrical inspection and Testing (Apply for Solar PV Connection). in order to complete the inspection of your plant and to proceed with the Connection. With this notification, you will also be required to submit a number of certificates, a signed Connection Agreement between you and DEWA and a number of other documents. For details, kindly refer to (DEWA DRRG Connection Guidelines)
Once DEWA finalises the assessment, meters will be installed.
The final stage begins once DEWA has installed the meters and begin to consider the energy generated by your plant.
You will also be required to submit the signed Connection Agreement with DEWA, which sets out the net metering arrangement and the responsibilities of both parties.
In addition, you will be required to present a signed Operation and Maintenance Contract as well as the Operation and Maintenance Manual provided by your Consultant and / or Contractor. For more details please refer to (DEWA DRRG Connection Guidelines)
Snapshot of the Connection Process:
What equipment is needed?
A PV system is made up of different components. These include:
Solar Panels
Solar panels are the electricity-generating units of a Solar PV system. Most solar panels have a life cycle of up to 25 years, but in some cases this can be longer. They are usually guaranteed by the manufacturer for a certain portion of the lifespan and they undergo a loss of performance over time. Therefore, some minimum efficiency is typically guaranteed.
The Inverter converts the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into an alternating current (AC) that can be used directly in the house or injected into the DEWA network.
The Inverter should be located in an airy, safe and accessible area and protected from direct solar radiation and water. Inverters typically have an efficiency above 95% and a general warrantee for 10 years.
Metering System
To measure the electricity generated by the renewable generation unit and electricity consumed in the premises, two energy meters must be installed:
The first meter supplied and installed by DEWA measures the power generated by the photovoltaic system.
The second meter supplied and installed by DEWA measures the power exported to DEWA grid and the power imported from DEWA grid. During the connection process, the renewable generation unit will be inspected by DEWA before the metering system can be installed. The inspection ensures that the generation unit complies with DEWA technical and safety regulations.
Interface protection
An automatic decoupling device (also called Interface Protection) should be installed between the inverter and the network connection point, if not yet incorporated in the inverter. This decoupling device stops the PV plant when a problem is detected on the network or when maintenance is needed. This prevents the current from being injected into the network or the electric loads within the premises when the electric power supply has been switched off for safety reasons.
Does DEWA have any guidelines relating to the technical specifications of the solar panels and other equipment?
Such specifications are included in the following documents:
- Standards for Distributed Renewable Resources Generators connected to the Distribution Network (Publications & Resources);
- Connection guidelines for Renewable Resources Generators connected to medium- and low-voltage distribution networks (Publications & Resources)
- The manufacturer should provide a certificate proving that their equipment is compliant with these requirements. This certification document will be requested by DEWA during the connection process. A list of eligible equipment can be found on DEWA Website (List of Eligible Equipment). The list is non exhaustive: you can opt for a manufacturer currently not included in the list as long as the following two conditions are met:
- The equipment must be compliant with DEWA standards
- Proof of such compliance must be sent to DEWA based on the same requirements formulated in the manufacturer equipment eligibility process instructions (PV Equipment Eligibility).
Are there any basic criteria that determine whether a certain residential or business unit is suitable for the installation?
Solar panels have truly come a long way. As its popularity increases and installation costs are gradually reduced, a lot of homeowners and businesses nowadays are eager to benefit from this sustainable technology.
The roof orientation, shading and surface area will determine whether you can benefit from this technology as well as the type and size of equipment you require.
We advise you to contact a DEWA enrolled Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultant or Contractor that can evaluate your criteria and advise you on the best possible solution for your premises.
There are three factors to be considered when planning to install solar cells onto the building’s envelope:
The favourable orientation for fixed solar cells in the United Arab Emirates throughout the year is south, and the optimal inclination is about 24 degrees. This typically allows an annual irradiation of about 2100 kWh/m2 for Dubai, when both direct and diffuse radiation are considered.
It is important that panels are kept clean and any deposit of dirt and dust is avoided, since these reduce sensibly the efficiency of the panels. Dubai is in a region prone to dust storms and its accumulation, therefore it is recommended that you clean the PV frequently.
Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid any shadow on the panels because this can cause a significant drop in performance, may damage the module.
A solar system is generally made up of modular components. This means that one can easily replace a malfunctioning component, and possibly extend the system in the future.
Where are the panels usually installed?
In urban environments such as Dubai, the solar panels are typically integrated in buildings rather than mounted on the ground. Panels are usually installed on the roof rather than on the building façade, to reduce the visual impact and ensure ease of access for cleaning and maintenance. However, PV systems can be blended into almost any imaginable structure. You might find PV being used outdoors for security lighting as well as in parking lot rooftops and bus station shelters.
Who will be responsible for maintaining the solar panels and related equipment once it is installed?
The maintenance of the system is the responsibility of the customer, who is required to have an operation and maintenance contract with a service provider. As part of the connection process, the customer must present a signed Operation and Maintenance Contract. It is required that the Operation and Maintenance Contract Service providers are enrolled as Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultant and Contractors
What is the cost of solar panel technology?
The cost of the system depends on the size as well as the type of system used. Please refer to the answer to question 4 “What is the investment cost breakdown (equipment, installation, connection and maintenance fee”.
Are there any additional costs other than equipment, installation and maintenance fees?
DEWA will charge a one-off connection fee as part of the connection process. No further specific charges will be added to future customer’s bills on an ongoing bases. For most installations, the one-off connection fee will simply equal the fixed amount charged by DEWA for each renewable generator connected to the grid. This amount is currently set at AED 1,500 for each renewable generator, and covers mainly the cost incurred by DEWA for the procurement and installation of the Solar PV generation check meter. For large installations (with size above 400 kW) some dedicated equipment might be needed for the proper integration of the renewable generator into DEWA distribution network. In this case, DEWA will charge the cost of such equipment as part of the connection fees. The need for such equipment, will be made known to the applicant in the early stages of the application process, so that the customer will be in a position to take an informed decision on whether to proceed with the project or not. An estimate of the connection fees will then be communicated to the customer in design approval stage.
Who bears the cost of the new meter?
The bi-directional smart meter measuring the electricity exported to and imported from DEWA electricity grid will be installed by DEWA without any additional cost to customers over the normal service charges.
The second meter, installed to measure the electricity generated by the PV system, will be charged by DEWA as part of the one-off connection fees.
My company is in the business of designing and installing solar PV systems. What should we know about equipment specifications and connection requirements? And how can we become a DEWA enrolled Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultant or Contractor?
For equipment specifications and connection technical requirements you can refer to the following documents on DEWA website Publications & Resources
The enrolment process is set out on DEWA website at the following link Enroll as DRRG Solar PV Consultant/Contractor
The application process to connect solar generators is set out on DEWA website at the following link Apply for Solar PV Connection
Why does DEWA require an enrolment process?
All companies that are involved in performing electrical activities and work need to be enrolled with DEWA. This process also aims to ensure that consultants and contractors have only qualified professionals engaged in solar PV related activities, thus ensuring both quality and safety.
Installing grid-connected Solar PV generators requires a rather advanced skill set and in order to ensure the highest level of safety and adherence to the required regulations and standards, it is important for these systems to be installed by professionals with adequate training and skills.
The enrolment Process will ensure that the Consultants and Contractors involved in the process have adequate skill and experience, thus providing a measure of protection for the public and for DEWA.
Are there any permits or approvals that I must obtain from other government bodies to complete the application process?
You will need a Building Permit from Dubai Municipality for the civil or structural part of the installation, and a Completion Certificate after the Municipality has inspected and completed its final checks. For buildings located in Free Zones, the competent Authority (e.g. Trakhees) should provide these documents.
How can my company apply for enrolment?
Consultant and Contractor companies will have to apply through DEWA e-services an enrolment request to be accepted as Electrical & DRRG Solar PV consultant or contractor.
What is the purpose of the Solar PV Expert Certification?
Installing and connecting Solar PV systems in the electricity Distribution Network is a complex task that has never before been carried out in Dubai. In order to ensure the highest level of safety and adherence to the required regulations and standards, it is important for these systems to be designed, constructed, installed and connected by professionals with adequate training and skills. Certification also provides a measure of protection to the Dubai public by giving them a credential for judging the competency of practitioners. It is not in any way intended to prevent qualified individuals from installing PV systems. It aims to ensure that individuals and companies involved in designing and connecting the Solar PV systems can perform this task in a safe and reliable manner, providing their clients with a high quality system that cannot compromise their safety and also the stability of the Dubai electricity network.
What are the steps of the Certification?
The figure below provides an overview of the DEWA Certification steps and process.
What does this certification process entail?
The certification process begins with the Training Application. During this stage, DEWA will check the Applicant’s credentials and determine whether the applicant is eligible for training. To be able to attend the training, the applicant needs to demonstrate the required minimum skill set. This ensures that the applicant has the right technical knowledge and experience to be able to follow the training.
Following the training, that consists of both classroom coursework and laboratory work, the Applicant will be required to take an exam.
Applicants that pass the exam will be provided with a Solar PV Expert Certificate. Depending on the amount of experience they have in installing Solar PV systems, the applicants will receive the certificate of either “Junior” or “Senior” PV Expert.
How long does the training last?
The training will last 3 days.
How much does the certification process cost?
The current training sessions are free of charge, however DEWA reserves the right to introduce an application fee for future training sessions.
Can only individuals apply for the certification or can also companies apply?
The training is aimed at individual professionals. Once they pass their examination, these professionals will receive the DEWA Solar PV Expert Certification.
Consultants and Contractors Companies should nominate their professionals and apply for their certification. Companies wishing to be enrolled with DEWA and to apply for the connection of Solar PV plants need to have certified professionals in their team. This will allow them to apply for Solar PV Connection on behalf of their clients. For more information regarding this, please go to: Enroll as DRRG Solar PV Consultant/Contractor
Are the Consultants and Contractors already enrolled with DEWA required to apply for the Certification?
Already enrolled DEWA Electrical Consultants/Contractors should submit to DEWA the Solar PV certificates of the individuals on their team in order to be eligible to apply for the installation of PV systems as Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Consultants and Contractors on behalf of their clients.
Consultants/Contractors that have not been enrolled through the DEWA website must first enroll with DEWA as Electrical Consultant and Contractor. Subsequently they will need to provide Solar PV certificates of the individuals on their team in order to be eligible to apply for the installation of PV systems on behalf of their clients.
For information regarding the enrollment process, please go to the following link: Enroll as DRRG Solar PV Consultant/Contractor
How can I nominate employees for the DEWA PV training?
Companies wishing to nominate their employees and apply for the DEWA Solar PV Expert Certification Training, kindly visit the following page:Upcoming training sessions
What information and/ or documentation do I need to submit with the application?
Nominated Applicants may have none or insufficient experience in installing Solar PV systems. As such, after the training they can obtain the title of “Junior” PV Experts. Later, when they gain the needed experience in installing Solar PV systems, they will receive the qualification of “Senior” PV Experts.
However, applicants with sufficient experience in installing Solar PV systems may obtain the qualification of “Senior” PV Experts upon completion of the training and the examination.
When does the training take place?
The first training took place in December 2014. The training will be repeated at regular intervals in order to ensure fair access to all interested Consultants and Contractors. For more information regarding the training, including additional timings, kindly visit the following link: Upcoming training sessions
How long does the training last?
The training will last 3 days.
Who are the trainers?
The training is administered by DEWA and/or external consultants appointed by DEWA.
Where does the training take place?
This will be confirmed and published in DEWA website Upcoming training sessions according to the number of registered and accepted participants.
What is the content of the training?
The training comprises of both classroom course work and practice work.
The content includes both technical aspects relating to the Solar PV installation process as well as safety issues. For more information please go to the following link: LINK
Will my nominated professional need further training after receiving the certification?
DEWA Solar PV Certification will be issued for a limited period of time. After the expiration of the validity of the Certificate, or soon before, your nominated professional will be required to attend a refresher course and re-sit the examination.
This process ensures that all Certificate holders are familiar with the latest technological advances, new regulations and other issues that may impact their work.
Who issues the Certificate?
DEWA will issue the certificate to professionals that have gone through adequate training, passed the required examination and meet all other requirements.
What benefit does the Certification provide to me?
Certification will provide you with a number of benefits. First of all, the certification will enable your company to enroll as Electrical & DRRG Solar PV Contractor/ Consultant which will ensure that your company can benefit from this growing demand. It will set you apart from the competition by broadening your expertise. This will allow you to perform the design, construction, building, installation, testing and the commissioning of a Solar PV plant in Dubai. As the grid connected Solar PV market expands, there will be a growing demand for this particular skill set.
In the long term, DEWA Solar PV training will be developed in line with the ISO/IEC 17024 standard. This will ensure that the Certification will be recognized worldwide.
Is this certification valid in other countries too?
At present, DEWA Solar PV Expert Certification will only be valid in Dubai. However, DEWA is in the process of developing a wider training and certification scheme, which will provide the required capacity to meet the growing market demand for certification. In addition, DEWA will also ensure that through the adoption of ISO/ IEC 17024 standards, these certificates are recognized worldwide.
Is the training in line with relevant International Standards such as the ISO/ IEC 17024?
At present, the training is not ISO/ IEC 17024 accredited. However, the training has been developed according to similar ISO/ IEC 17024 accredited programs. This does not only ensure the high quality of the training program, but will reduce the time required for the training to be ISO/ IEC 17024 accredited in the near future.
My company imports solar panels to Dubai. What should we know about equipment specifications?
If you wish to have your equipment included in the DEWA list of eligible equipment, a formal request needs to be submitted to DEWA. A thorough evaluation of all standards and certification documents will ensure equipment is compliant with DEWA regulations and will then be included in the DEWA list of eligible equipment. This process ensures that the equipment meets the required DEWA quality and safety standards.
For more details and instructions please go to (Solar PV Equipment Eligibility)
You can also refer to the following documents on DEWA website (Publications & Resources)
If our company that manufacturers solar panels fails to obtain proof of the DEWA required Standards, can we continue selling and installing this technology in Dubai?
Not for systems to be connected to the DEWA electricity grid. Should you wish to install such grid-connected systems, your company needs to have proof of compliance to DEWA standards . Please refer to Equipment Eligibility details at the following link (Solar PV Equipment Eligibility)
What is SOQOOR Programme Award?
DEWA has established SOQOOR Programme to assess how well consultants and contractors customers operate and perform. SOQOOR is a corporate performance scheme that uses specific measurements and criteria, such as the quality of submission documents, and protecting DEWA’s assets.
SOQOOR helps consultants and contractors customers by informing them about DEWA’s standards and guides, improving the quality of their applications, and reducing non-compliance, all of which will result in safer site operations. It also helps them to get approvals on first application, reduce resubmissions, and decrease or avoid violations, damages, and fines. This saves their time and streamlines their work; creating benefits such as faster project progress, improving their ranking, increasing their marketability, as well as increasing customer and stakeholder happiness. This eventually supports the Smart Dubai initiative to make Dubai the smartest and happiest city in the world, and enhance the competitiveness of the UAE.
The best performing consultants and contractors on various project categories will receive the SOQOOR recognition and award at a dedicated award ceremony.
Who can apply to SOQOOR Programme Award?
Enrolled consultants and contractors who submit service applications to the Dubai Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), Dubai Building Permit System (DBPS), and DEWA portal, will automatically be considered for performance assessment under SOQOOR Programme.
Currently, there is no need to submit any application to be eligible for SOQOOR Award, as the eligibility covers those who apply for services applications.
How often is SOQOOR Programme Award held?
The recognition award happens every year.
What are the categories of SOQOOR Programme Award?
• SOQOOR’s award categories cover project and service categories such as NOC Services, Electricity Network Services, and Water Network Services, and the classification of project types by RTA and Dubai Building Permits System (Dubai BPS).
• For each project type and consultant/contractor customer classification category, the consultant/contractor with the highest Final Consultant/Contractor Performance Assessment Result (FCPAR) will be considered for the Award as follows:
o For Consultants, the best consultant is the three with highest Final Performance Assessment Result (FCPAR). If many consultants on the same project category achieve the highest Final Performance Assessment Result (FCPAR) then the quantity of service applications will be considered as a secondary criterion. If they submitted equal number of service applications, then quantity of the projects under the project category will be considered as a third criterion.
o For Contractors, the best Contractor is the three with highest Final Performance Assessment Result (FCPAR). If many contractors on the same project category achieve the highest FCPAR, then the quantity of service applications will be considered as a secondary criterion. If they submitted equal number of service applications, then quantity of the projects under the project category will be considered as a third criterion.
1. If a Consultant or Contractor works on different project categories; then the majority of their projects determine their Award Category (A/B/C). The majority of the applications to one of these categories is a criterion for the consultant/contractor customer recognition award classification.
Project Category |
Award Category A |
Award Category B |
Award Category C |
Infrastructure |
Road Projects |
Utility Networks |
General Projects |
Electricity |
G+Unlimited |
G+4 |
G+1 |
Water |
G+4 |
G+1 |
Who can view the Consultant/Contractor Customer Performance Assessment Results of SOQOOR Programme?
• Developers
• Service Authorities
• Individual Project Owner
• Consultant/Contractor Company Management and Applicants
The overall performance assessment results will be published on DEWA website and mobile App
As a consultant or a contractor, how can I view the Performance Assessment Result (SOQOOR SCORE) for my company on DEWA Website and Mobile Application?
As a consultant or a contractor, you can view your Performance Assessment Result (SOQOOR SCORE) as follows:
• On DEWA’S website:
1. Go to
2. Select Builder
3. Select SOQOOR Programme
4. Click on SOQOOR Score tab
5. Login to your username and password
Or visit this link
On DEWA’s smart app:
1. Open DEWA’s smart app
2. Select Builder
3. Login to your username and password
4. Select all application icon
5. Select SOQOOR Program
6. Select SOQOOR Score tab
What are the principles of SOQOOR Programme?
• DEWA will evaluate enrolled consultants using the Service Application Submission Performance Assessment parameter.
• The overall assessment for enrolled contractors has two parameters with equal weighting:
1. Service Application Submission Performance Assessment
2. Site Operations Performance Assessment
• The best performing consultants and contractors on various project categories will receive a SOQOOR award.
• The SOQOOR programme is intended to create healthy competition between consultants and contractors to continually comply with DEWA requirements.
What are the performance assessment criteria of SOQOOR Programme?
Service Applications Performance Assessment
• The consultant/contractor customers who are enrolled with DEWA send their service applications.
• Each service application submission is assessed separately in order to calculate the Application Submission Assessment Result (ASAR).
• If the application is complete and complies with DEWA’s submission and technical requirements, it will receive a full mark of 10/10, and its ASAR will be 10.
• If the application is incomplete and incompliant according to DEWA submission and technical requirements, then it will be commented on and receive a lower mark. This will be calculated according to the number of revisions required to approve the application resubmission, and the ASAR will be less than 10.
• There might be special cases where a new or unforeseen requirement is identified after a consultant/contractor had submitted or resubmitted a service application. In such situations, DEWA will ask the consultant/contractor to resubmit the application. For this revision or resubmission, if it complies with the new requirement, then the application approval will still receive a full mark and an ASAR of 10.
• Taking the average for ASARs submitted by a consultant/contractor helps calculate the Initial Customer Performance Assessment Result (ICPAR).
• SOQOOR will assess all applications from all enrolled consultants and contractors.
• The following services are covered by SOQOOR:
1. NOC Services: Request for Infrastructure Projects No Objection Certificate, Request for Building No Objection Certificate - Electricity, Request for Building No Objection Certificate - Water, Request for Demolishing No Objection Certificate – Electricity, Request for Demolishing No Objection Certificate – Water and Request for Solar Connection No Objection Certificate
2. Electricity Network Services: Getting Electricity Connections, Al Namoos "ONE STEP" Getting Electricity and Getting Solar Connections
3. Water Network Services: Getting Water Connections
• Consultants and contractors have to apply for at least one of these major service categories to be eligible for the consultant/contractor recognition award.
• There might be a case where a service application will be rejected if its scope of works leads to damaging DEWA assets. Such rejected service applications are not considered when evaluating Consultants’ and Contractors’ performance as these were out of their control.
Site Operations Performance Assessment
• The Site Operations Performance Assessment result is calculated in terms of black and green points that are linked to the violations a consultant/contractor commits onsite.
• At present, DEWA judicial officers issue Violating Control Reports to the violating contractors but not to the supervising consultants.
• The concerned maintenance departments in DEWA meet with the violating contractors, and agree corrective and preventive actions, especially for violations with damages to DEWA assets.
• The Legal Affairs Department in DEWA finalises the financial settlements for the fines of each Violating Control Reports (VCRs) with the concerned contractor.
• DEWA analyses the Violating Control Reports (VCRs) and assigns black points values to each violation. Green Points will be given according to maintenance department criteria.
• The total black and green points are calculated for each contractor. Then, these are used to calculate the Site Operations Performance Assessment result for each contractor, which is called the Consultant/Contractor Site Performance Assessment Result (CSAR).
• The equation used to calculate the CSAR is 10 – (X * 10) / 60, where, at the present, X refers to the difference between the black points value and green points value.
• If a contractor does not commit any violation, then this contractor will have the full grade 10/10 and the CSAR will be 10.
• If a contractor reaches 60 black points and has no green points, then this contractor will lose the full grade for the CSAR.
Overall Assessment
• For consultants, the Overall Assessment will be the Initial Consultant/Contractor Performance Assessment Result (ICPAR).
• For contractors, the Overall Assessment will be the Final Consultant/Contractor Performance Assessment Result (FCPAR), which is calculated by taking the average of the Initial Consultant/Contractor Performance Assessment Result (ICPAR) and the Consultant/Contractor Site Performance Assessment Result (CSAR).
What are the laws and regulations of SOQOOR Programme?
• Law No. 6 of 2015 for the Protection of General Network of Electricity and Water in the Emirate of Dubai was published in the Official Gazette and came into effect as of 24 April 2015.
• This Law included important rules aiming to protect DEWA’s General Network, which requires the adherence of the contractors and consultants to it, each in his field of work and specialty.
• In supporting and facilitating the implementation of this Law, the Legal Affairs Department (LAD) at DEWA prepared the Contractors and Consultants Guide to comply with.
• Violating the law and the Contractors and Consultants Guide is considered illegal and subject to legal actions and financial implications.
• As per the law and the Contractors and Consultants Guide, consultants and contractors are required to submit service applications for the design and construction of their projects.
• If the service application is not complying with DEWA submission and technical requirements, then DEWA will not approve the application and will inform the consultant/contractor accordingly. Otherwise, DEWA will issue the approval for six months, which requires revalidation after that.
• Working without valid approval and not complying with the approval conditions and standards are considered illegal and subject to legal actions and financial implications.
• DEWA judicial officers will issue Violation Control Report to the violating Consultants and Contractors.
What if I have further enquiries about SOQOOR Programme?
For enquiries and more information, please contact the Customer Care Centre:
Phone: +971 4 601 9999
G+Unlimited |
G+Unlimited |
FAQs for KW Slab Unit Rate Connection Charges
1. What is the slab unit rate system?
It is new connection charges for getting electricity based on total connected load.
There are 14 slabs with a range of load and per KW rate for each slab.
2. How does KW slab rate differ from the previous estimation system?
Our previous estimate system was based on materials and its labour cost.
But KW rate is based on approved total connected load.
3. Is the rate applicable for all types of loads?
It applies for all permanent connection loads (except remote/unplanned areas, street lighting, and temporary supply for events)
4. What is the difference between the new slab unit rate system and the fixed rate per KW introduced earlier by DEWA?
Fixed rate system introduced earlier was for loads up to 400KW with ranges from
1-170kw (250aed/kw) and 171-400kw (290aed/kw). If the load exceeds the first range of 170kw, then the full load will be multiplied by 290aed/kw.
But in the new slab rate system every slab rate is separate and the summation of each slab will give the total cost.
5. Is this new system applicable for projects submitted to DEWA prior to 01/01/2017?
All new connection cost released after 01/01/2017 will be as per new slab rate system.
6. Is there a specific time period to fulfil the payment?
One year is the validity period.
7. Is the new system applicable for all types of projects?
Yes. It is applicable for all permanent connection projects (except remote/unplanned areas, street lighting, and temporary supply for events)
8. Is there any additional charges to be made for getting electricity other than the slab unit rate connection charges?
In addition to the slab rate charges, innovation fees +knowledge fees=20aed as existing at present will continue.
9. Is there any debit advice for KW cases?
There will be no debit advice, since KW is charged based on the total connected load.
10. What if I have existing load within my plot? Will this affect the KW cost?
The KW slab unit rate connection charges is based on existing and proposed load. The slab will start based on the existing load but only proposed load will be charged.
11. Is there any mechanism to calculate the electricity connection charges for our project in advance for budgetary purpose?
There is a calculator on DEWA’s website and our Smart App for easy estimation and calculation
12. What if I decided to lay the HV cable by my DEWA approved contractor? How this will affect the KW Slab unit rate connection cost?
Cable laying charges will be deducted as per actuals from the KW Slab rate Connection Cost regardless of payment
Who can submit Building NOC application?
Enrolled Consultant and Contractor only
How can I submit a Building NOC application?
You can submit through both of Dubai Building Permit System & DEWA system
To request for this service,>visit the 'Building NOC' page.
What type of Building NOC application can I submit?
You can submit a Building NOC application for “Electricity” or “Water”.
Are any attachments required while submitting a Building NOC application?
Yes: setting out plan ,site plan (Affection plan) issued by the competent Authority, ,(if project falling in Major area)
* Note: try not to attach files that are large in size.
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are:
doc, gif, jpg, jpeg, pdf, tiff, zip, DOC, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIFF, ZIP.
What rules do I have to follow while filling in the Building NOC application?
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my submitted Building NOC application?
Error messages will appear before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my Building NOC application after I successfully submit it?
The Building NOC application will go to the respective Department concerned. The application will then be processed accordingly.
How do I track the status of my submitted Building NOC application?
To track your Building NOC application, login to Building NOC Service and then choose from the main menu “Track Submitted Building Permit NOC Status“.
Will the Building NOC application be approved directly?
Before the Building NOC application is approved or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. Accordingly, the department might APPROVE or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Building NOC applications?
Incomplete Building NOC applications are ones which have to be revised by you and that has errors.
How can I revise the Incomplete Building NOC applications?
To revise Incomplete Building NOC applications, login to Building NOC Service, and then choose from the main menu “Revise Incomplete Building Permit NOC Applications“.
Can I submit a Building NOC manually?
No. Online submission only.
Is the Building NOC eService free of charge?
Yes, the Building NOC eService is provided free of charge.
How will I submit LV network design approval documents as part of the Building NOC application?
Select LV network design approval required "yes" in BNOC application
What documents are required for LV network Design approval?
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
Who can submit Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application?
Enrolled Contractor only
How can I submit a Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application?
To request this service, visit the 'Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water’ page.
Are any attachments required while submitting a Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water?
Affection Plan (Required Only if project in Dubai Freezone areas).
Request letter / Receipt
1. For Partial demolition ( additional document ) -Setting out plan indicating Demolition area.
2. try not to attach files that are large in size.
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are:
doc,pdf, zip, gif or jpg
What rules do I have to follow while filling in the Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application?
- Required fields must be filled in (required fields are either in red or marked with an asterisk *).
- Enter only characters in some fields such as NAME and TYPE OF PROJECT.
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my submitted Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application?
Error messages will appear before the form can be submitted.
What happens to my Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application after I successfully submit it?
The Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application will go to the concerned Department concerned. The application will then be processed accordingly.
How do I track the status of my submitted Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application?
To track your Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application, login to the Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water Service and then choose from the main menu “Track SubmittedDemolishing
Permits - Electricity/Water Status”.
Will the Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application be approved directly?
Before the Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water application is approved or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. Accordingly, the department might APPROVE
or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water applications?
IncompleteDemolishing Permits - Electricity/Water applications are ones which have to be revised by you and that has errors.
How can I revise the Incomplete Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water applications?
To revise Incomplete Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water applications, login to Demolition NOC Service, and then choose from the main menu “Revise Incomplete Demolishing Permits -
Electricity/Water Applications”.
Can I submit a Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water manually?
No .Online submission only.
Is the Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water eService free of charge?
Yes, the Demolishing Permits - Electricity/Water eService is provided free of charge.
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
1. What is the Dubai Economic Agenda D33?
The Dubai Economic Agenda D33 aims to double the size of Dubai's economy within a decade and position it among world’s top three global cities. It comprises 100 transformational projects aimed at driving economic growth and development.
2. What is D33 Industry Friendly Power policy?
The D33 Industry Friendly Power policy aims to:
3. Who is eligible for the D33 Industry Friendly Power policy benefits?
To be eligible for the D33 Industry Friendly Power policy benefits, companies must obtain a D33 eligibility certificate issued jointly by Dubai Economy and Tourism Department (DET), Department of Finance (DOF) and DEWA. This certificate is available for industrial customers, Agri-tech enterprises and Data Centers, who are currently securing (or plan to secure) 100% of their total energy requirement from DEWA grid and from new captive PV solar generation.
4. What are the benefits of the D33 Industry Friendly Power policy?
Under this policy, DEWA is offering pioneering programs and benefits as follows:
5. What is the validity period of D33 Eligibility Certificate?
The validity of D33 Eligibility Certificate is 10 years from the date of its issuance.
6. What happens when excess feed-in power is generated by D33 customer?
Feed-in power generated by D33 Companies will be procured and compensated by DEWA at a flat rate of 10.5 Fils/kwh, subject to certain conditions. E.g., No payment will be made for feed-in power during the winter season, (from December to February) or during emergencies or system maintenance/other grid constraints, or where it exceeds the permitted maximum load in that plot. Feed-in power in violation of applicable conditions will not be eligible for payment.
7. What is the process for new connections under the D33 Industry Friendly Power policy?
Eligible D33 Companies applying for new connections are entitled to a flat 25% discount on the standard DEWA connection charge. Discount is not applicable for connections for fit-out, temporary/construction connections, Solar PV connection, equipment rental etc. Companies are eligible for an interest-free credit period to pay the connection fee. The credit period is 2 years from the date of DEWA Estimate or until the date of connection/energization, whichever is earlier. A bank guarantee from a local bank in the prescribed format is required to be submitted by the Customer soon after he receives the DEWA Estimate.
Who can submit Getting electricity connection application?
Enrolled Consultant and Contractor only
How can I submit a Getting electricity application?
You can submit through both of Dubai Building Permit System & DEWA system
To request for this service,>visit the ' Getting electricity connection ' page.
Are any attachments required while submitting a Getting electricity connection application?
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are:
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my submitted Getting electricity connection application?
Error messages will appear before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my Getting electricity connection application after I successfully submit it?
The Getting electricity connection application will go to the respective Department concerned. The application will then be processed accordingly.
How do I track the status of my submitted Getting electricity connection application?
To track your Getting electricity connection application, login to Getting electricity connection Service and then choose from the main menu “Track Submitted Getting electricity connection Status“.
Will the Getting electricity connection application be approved directly?
Before the Getting electricity connection application is approved or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. Accordingly, the department might APPROVE or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Getting electricity connection applications?
Incomplete Getting electricity connection applications are ones which have to be revised by you and that has errors.
How can I revise the Incomplete Getting electricity connection applications?
To revise Incomplete Getting electricity connection applications, login to Getting electricity connection Service, and then choose from the main menu “Revise Incomplete Getting electricity connection Applications“.
Can I submit a Getting electricity connection manually?
No. Online submission only.
Is the Getting electricity connection eService free of charge?
Yes, the Getting electricity connection eService is provided free of charge.
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
Who can submit Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application?
Enrolled Consultant and Contractor only
How can I submit a Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application?
You can submit through DEWA system
To request for this service,>visit the ' Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections ' page.
Are any attachments required while submitting a Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application?
Copy of DEWA approved TCL/MD, MDBs/SMDBs etc... schedule (Main project) *
Load distribution schedule for final distribution board. *
Wiring Layouts - Lighting
Wiring Layouts - Power
Landlord NOC ( In DEWA prescribed format) *
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are:
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my submitted Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application?
Error messages will appear before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application after I successfully submit it?
The Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application will go to the respective Department concerned. The application will then be processed accordingly.
How do I track the status of my submitted Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application?
To track your Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application, login to Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections Service and then choose from the main menu “Track Submitted Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections Status“.
Will the Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application be approved directly?
Before the Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections application is approved or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. Accordingly, the department might APPROVE or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections applications?
Incomplete Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections applications are ones which have to be revised by you and that has errors.
How can I revise the Incomplete Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections applications?
To revise Incomplete Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections applications, login to Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections Service, and then choose from the main menu “Revise Incomplete Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections Applications“.
Can I submit a Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections manually?
No. Online submission only.
Is the Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections eService free of charge?
Yes, the Getting Electricity Fit-out Connections eService is provided free of charge.
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
Who can submit Getting Solar Permits & Connections Application?
Enrolled Solar Consultant and Contractor only
How can I submit a Getting Solar Permits & Connections application?
You can submit through DEWA system
To request for this service,>visit the ' Getting Solar Permits & Connections ' page.
Are any attachments required while submitting a Getting Solar Permits & Connections application?
2. Solar Module , Solar Inverter and Interface protection unit details to be furnished (If the product is not in DEWA List)*
3. Design assessment input form in excel format (.XLSX format only)*
4. Total connected load max. demand/MDB/SMDB etc... schedule incorporating existing load/KWh meters, proposed solar generation meter etc... (PDF format only) *
5. Single line diagram of proposed grid tie solar PV system indicating KWh meters, inverters, interface protection system, low voltage distribution system etc... (PDF format only) *
6. Site setting lay-out indicating the location of proposed solar panels, associated equipment, KWh metering etc... (PDF format only)
7. Production details( KWp and KWh annum.) (PDF format only) *
8. Installation details of proposed solar generation meter, PV panels ,inverters, MDBs/SMDBs etc... (PDF format only) *
9. Wiring lay-out and Sizing of PV system elements(string design, inverters, solar cables, breakers, etc...) (PDF format only) *
10. Explicit acceptance and agreement to the terms and Conditions of the Connection Agreement (PDF format only)”
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are:
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my submitted Getting Solar Permits & Connections application?
Error messages will appear before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my Getting Solar Permits & Connections application after I successfully submit it?
The Getting Solar Permits & Connections application will go to the respective Department concerned. The application will then be processed accordingly.
How do I track the status of my submitted Getting Solar Permits & Connections application?
To track your Getting Solar Permits & Connections application, login to Getting Solar Permits & Connections Service and then choose from the main menu “Track Submitted Getting Solar Permits & Connections Status“.
Will the Getting Solar Permits & Connections application be approved directly?
Before the Getting Solar Permits & Connections application is approved or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. Accordingly, the department might APPROVE or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Getting Solar Permits & Connections applications?
Incomplete Getting Solar Permits & Connections applications are ones which have to be revised by you and that has errors.
How can I revise the Incomplete Getting Solar Permits & Connections applications?
To revise Incomplete Getting Solar Permits & Connections applications, login to Getting Solar Permits & Connections Service, and then choose from the main menu “Revise Incomplete Getting Solar Permits & Connections Applications“.
Can I submit a Getting Solar Permits & Connections manually?
No. Online submission only.
Is the Getting Solar Permits & Connections eService free of charge?
Application for service is free of charge.
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
Who can access this service?
Those who have already register with Project-Generation DEWA can use this Service.
What can we attach?
PDF,XLS,DOC,DOCX or TIF' file types are allowed.
What is the size limit?
Total attachment size should not exceeds to 4 MB or 4096 KB.
How can they access the Service?
Those who have already enrolled with Project-Generation DEWA can use this Service.
Who can submit Request for Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water Application?
DEWA enrolled Demolition Contractors
How can I submit a Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application?
You can submit through DEWA system and Dubai Building Permit System
To request for this service,>visit the ' Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water ' page.
Are any attachments required while submitting a Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application?
Service Requirement (Electricity)
Fill online application
Affection plan (required only if project falling in Dubai free zone areas)"
Letter from Owner
For Partial demolition ( additional document ) -Setting out plan indicating Demolition area
Service Requirement (Water)
Fill online application
For Partial demolition ( additional document ) -Setting out plan indicating Demolition area
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are:
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my submitted Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application?
Error messages will appear before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application after I successfully submit it?
The Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application will go to the respective Department concerned. The application will then be processed accordingly.
How do I track the status of my submitted Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application?
To track your Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application, login to Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water Service and then choose from the main menu “Track Submitted Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water Status“.
Will the Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application be approved directly?
Before the Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water application is approved or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. Accordingly, the department might APPROVE or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water applications?
Incomplete Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water applications are ones which have to be revised by you and that has errors.
How can I revise the Incomplete Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water applications?
To revise Incomplete Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water applications, login to Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water Service, and then choose from the main menu “Revise Incomplete Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water Applications“.
Can I submit a Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water manually?
No. Online submission only.
Is the Demolishing Permits Electricity / Water eService free of charge?
Application for service is free of charge.
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
Who can submit Request for Electricity Network Modification Application?
Enrolled Consultant and Contractor only.
How can I submit a Request for Electricity Network Modification application?
You can submit through DEWA portal
To request for this service, visit the Request for Electricity Network Modification
Are any attachments required while submitting a Request for Electricity Network Modification application?
Submit online application
Affection plan (required only if the project falling in Dubai free zone areas)
Site setting out plan showing the proposed location (for KWH Meter and substation shifting only)
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are:
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my submitted Request for Electricity Network Modification application?
Error messages will appear before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my Request for Electricity Network Modification application after I successfully submit it?
The Request for Electricity Network Modification application will go to the respective Department concerned. The application will then be processed accordingly.
How do I track the status of my submitted Request for Electricity Network Modification application?
To track your Request for Electricity Network Modification application, login to DEWA portal Request for Electricity Network Modification Service and then choose from the main menu “Track Submitted Request for Electricity Network Modification Status“.
Will the Request for Electricity Network Modification application be approved directly?
Before the Request for Electricity Network Modification application is approved / returned or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. Accordingly, the department might APPROVE / RETURN or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Request for Electricity Network Modification applications?
Incomplete Request for Electricity Network Modification applications are ones which have to be revised by you and that has errors.
How can I resubmit the Incomplete Request for Electricity Network Modification applications?
To re-submit Incomplete Electricity Network Modification applications, login to DEWA Portal, edit the application and resubmit the application
Can I submit a Request for Electricity Network Modification manually?
No. Online submission only.
Is the Request for Electricity Network Modification eService free of charge?
Application for service is free of charge, service is chargeable (where applicable)
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
Which types of Applications can be submitted through Technical Services for Infrastructure Projects?
The following types of applications are available through this portal:
How can I submit an application?
To submit an application, you must first login to the customer portal with your username and password. Once logged in, click on “Technical Service for infrastructure Projects” from the main menu to submit a new application. In the Application Category Choose required application type.
Are any Attachments required while submitting an application through online submission?
Yes. The electronic attachments are mandatory as per DEWA requirement.
Please ensure the quality of all uploaded soft copy documents for clarity.The following file’s extensions you are allowed to attach:
pdf, doc, dgn, dwg, xlsWhat is the maximum size of documents can be uploaded through online submission?
The maximum allocated size through online submission should not exceed 100MB. (If exceeds kindly visit DEWA Warsan complex Ground Floor Infrastructure NOC Counter for manual submission).
How do I track the status of my submitted applications?
To track your application, Login in to the customer portal with your username and password and go to the Track your Application link. Furthermore applications status can be notified through the registered email and SMS on the registered mobile number.
How do I get appointment for meeting to discuss any issue related to above services?
You may contact the following DEWA Personals to get the appointment:
• Ameera Al Nuaimi: 04-3221280
• Afrah Almehiri: 04-3221610What is Al Namoos?
DEWA launched Al Namoos (Emirati dialect for those who win in races) service in December 2014. It has recently been improved to provide electricity connections in just two steps within 5 days.
What are the advantages of Al Namoos?
You will be able to receive the power supply connection within 5 days in two steps for projects with a load of up to 150kW.
Do I need to make a security deposit for Al Namoos?
Yes. A security deposit is required.
Is there any permit required by DEWA to carry out any external work?
No. There are no permits required by DEWA for completing external work. The requirement for an excavation permit has been waived as per the agreement between the RTA and DEWA by using the online ‘Instant Infrastructure Information’ portal.
What must I do when filling in an application for Al Namoos?
You must complete all the mandatory fields, which are marked either in red or with an asterisk (*).
Enter only numeric values in numeric fields (e.g. Maximum demand Load).
Enter only characters in character fields, such as the NAME field.
What type of files I can upload?
All common file types are accepted such as .pdf, .doc, .xls, .jpg, etc.
How will I know if there are data entry errors for my application?
If there are any errors, you will get a message before the form is completed.
What happens to my application after I successfully submit it and pay for the connection?
Once you successfully send the application and make the payment, the system will generate a message and send e-mail and SMS notifications to you. After that, DEWA will proceed with external works and a technical inspection (internal wiring installation) and release of power connection to the project.
Is there anything I need to do before for applying for Al Namoos?
Once a consultant or contractor obtains a building permit through Dubai BPS (Building Permit System) and the building internal works are ready, they can pay for the connection and apply for Al Namoos through the DEWA website.
What can I do if I face problems in submitting my application, or I did not receive any e-mail notification?
you can contact DEWA’s Technical Enquiry Desk on phone (04 322 9999), Fax (04-322 9094),e-mail
Who can submit a request for a water connection?
Only an enrolled consultant or contractor.
How can I submit a request for a water connection?
You can submit your application through the DEWA portal.
Once you do so, the system will generate an application number (W-xxxxxx).
To request this service, click on Request for Getting Water Connection
Are any attachments required while submitting a request for a water connection?
What file extensions can I attach?
The file extensions you are allowed to attach are PDF, DWF and JPG.
How will I know if there are data entry errors within my application?
Error messages will be highlighted before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my request after I successfully submit it?
The request for a water connection will go to the concerned department, where it will be processed.
How do I track the status of my application?
To track your application, visit DEWA’s portal, head to the main menu and choose “Track Submitted Request for Getting Water Connection Status”.
Will the request be approved directly?
Once processed by the concerned department, the application may be approved, returned or rejected.
What is an incomplete request for a water connection?
This is when the application is sent back to be revised due to missing documents or information, or when it has errors.
How can I resubmit the incomplete request for a water connection?
To resubmit, log in to DEWA’s portal, go to track your application, edit it and resubmit.
Can I manually submit a request for a water connection?
No. Only online submissions are permitted.
Is the request for a water connection free of charge?
Registration of your application is free but costs related to the request will be calculated depending on a site assessment to ascertain the materials and services needed.
What are DEWA Website's User Categories?
All energy consumers including those who use electricity and water, electric vehicle charging station services, consumption verification services, billing services and solar connections.
Owners and builders of projects including developers, consultants, contractors and special project owners. These include government authorities and individuals who are beneficiaries of NOCs and electricity and water network services.
Organisations (national, regional and international government, semi-government entities, or private companies) that share a common interest or participate in achieving a common goal with DEWA.
Whoever provides DEWA with commodity / product / services, or executes any work for DEWA. This definition includes different supplier categories (individuals, companies, corporations and organisations).
Students from schools, universities and colleges who have needs from DEWA including scholarships, internship & training opportunities.
How can I submit an Infrastructure NOC application?
To request this service, visit the ’Infrastructure NOC Application’ page.
What type of Infrastructure NOC application can I submit?
You can submit NOC’s that do not require RTA eNOC number and also NOC’s which are submitted in RTA eNOC system without attachments (Manual Version).
Are any attachments required while submitting an Infrastructure NOC application?
Yes, all Infrastructure NOC applications require attachments based on NOC Type and Project Type. For attachment requirements, please use Infrastructure NOC Submission Guidelines those are available on
DEWA portal
What file extensions can I attach?
Error messages will appear before the form can be submitted.
What happens to my Infrastructure NOC application after I successfully submit it?
The Infrastructure NOC application will go to Infrastructure Information and Permits Department (II&PD). All acceptable NOC applications will be processed for applicable Road Projects, Network Service Projects, General Projects, and House Connections Projects within the Right of Way, DEWA reservations and DEWA Premises (As applicable).
You will receive a confirmation message through SMS and an email upon successful submission with a DEWA reference number.
The service is dedicated specifically for project applications those require DEWA approval only e.g Shop Drawing, DEWA reservations and DEWA Premises, On Hold Areas in main applications
How do I track the status of my submitted Infrastructure NOC application?
Before any decision is taken on Infrastructure NOC application, it will be processed by Infrastructure Information and Permits Department (II&PD) and on final stage will either be APPROVED or OBJECTED. In between processing if II&PD requires any clarification, technical comments will be sent.
Which are Incomplete Infrastructure NOC applications?
Any NOC submission which is not as per DEWA Infrastructure NOC Submission Guidelines is considered as incomplete application. To avoid incomplete submission, please use Infrastructure NOC Submission Guidelines available on DEWA Portal.
How can I resubmit the Infrastructure NOC applications?
To resubmit an Infrastructure NOC application, follow the following steps:
Can I submit Infrastructure NOC manually?
No, all Infrastructure NOC applications are to be submitted digitally only (RTA ENOC system or DEWA Customer Portal) as applicable. If you face any difficulty while applying NOC, you can contact Infrastructure Information & Permits Department (II&PD) at the below address:-
Yes, the Infrastructure NOC is provided free of charge.
How can I use Infrastructure NOC Customer Portal for NOC Submission / Resubmission?
Infrastructure NOC User Manual is available on DEWA portal in an easy to use manner.
What publications are available for Infrastructure NOC Services?
Below documents are available for NOC Services
The expected reply time for each NOC is as per below however, for special cases might take more depending on case.
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance
Who can submit a Request for Water Network Modification application?
Only enrolled Consultants and Contractors can submit this request.
How can I submit a Request for Water Network Modification application?
You can submit your application through DEWA portal.
To submit your request, visit the Request for Water Network Modification page
Are any attachments required when submitting a Request for Water Network Modification application?
Yes, the following attachments are required:
Submit the online application; the system will generate an application number (W-xxxxxx).
Affection plan.
Site setting out plan showing the proposed location for the transfer of the water meter/water pipeline.
What file extensions can I attach?
You can attach files with the following extensions: PDF, DWF, JPG.
How will I know if there are data entry errors in my submitted Request for Water Network Modification application?
Error messages will appear before the application form can be submitted.
What happens to my Request for Water Network Modification application after I successfully submit it?
The application will be sent to the respective department for processing.
How do I track the status of my submitted Request for Water Network Modification application?
To track your application, log in to the DEWA portal, navigate to the "Request for Water Network Modification Service," and choose “Track Submitted Request for Water Network Modification Status” from the main menu.
Will the Request for Water Network Modification application be approved directly?
Before the application is approved, returned, or rejected, it must first be processed by the concerned department. The department may then APPROVE, RETURN, or REJECT the application.
What are Incomplete Request for Water Network Modification applications?
Incomplete applications are those that require revision due to errors.
How can I resubmit Incomplete Request for Water Network Modification applications?
To resubmit, log in to the DEWA Portal, edit the application, and then resubmit it.
Can I submit a Request for Water Network Modification manually?
No, only online submissions are accepted.
Is the Request for Water Network Modification eService free of charge?
Registering the application is free. The cost estimate will depend on the required pipes, fittings, materials, and services.
What do I do if I face issues when applying for the service?
Please visit our Support page for assistance